I'm FlaF, a freelance artist from Brazil. I like games, anime and honing my art skills. _〆(。。)You can find my art commissions info on this website.Thank you for your visit!
All prices listed here are estimated and may change based on multiple factors (e.g.: character detail, scene detail, render level).
Prices are limited time offers and are not guaranteed to stay the same in the future.
Most orders finish sooner and don't use the whole deadline available.
Item | Price (Line art only) | Price (Painted) |
Bust | + 30 USD | + 60 USD |
Half-body | + 40 USD | + 75 USD |
Full-body | + 50 USD | + 90 USD |
Additional Character (each) | + 60% | + 60% |
Item | Price (Line art only) | Price (Painted) |
Plain Color or Gradient | Free | - |
Abstract Design | + 10 USD | - |
Simple Environment | + 30 USD | + 50 USD |
Complex Scene (Perspective, architecture...) | + 60 USD | + 100 USD |
Rush Order
Rush | Description | Price Increase |
Boost | ⏱️🔽 Reduce deadline | +50% |
Nitro | ⏱️⏬ Reduce deadline + | +100% |
Terms of service
Split options:
- Half upfront, half on completion.
- Full payment before commision starts.
Accepted platforms / methods:
- Paypal
- Wise
- Ko-fi
- Pix (Brazil only)Revisions
Commission is structured into stages. Once a stage is approved, no more revisions are allowed, backtracking a previous stage costs extra. The standard pipeline is:
thumbnail / composition => blocking / line art => base painting => polishing
Revising the current stage also cannot lead to unreasonable amount of iterations or increase drastically the amount of work planned for the commission.Refunds
Commissions will not be refunded after payment unless the artist decides to cancel the commission. If the artist doesn't send any updates on the commission progress for more than 2 weeks (14 days) or the artist is at fault regarding deadlines, commission can be partially or fully refunded upon client request.Termination
If the client fails to respond to revisions from the artist for a period longer than 14 days, the commission will deemed completed by both parties without need of refunds or further work.Deadline
After payment commissions must be completed by both parties in the span of 2 months maximum. Beyond this, the contract has to be renewed or can lead to full or partial refunds depending on the progress of the artwork and agreement from both parties.- Please note that most commissions usually finish way sooner, but a fully detailed splash art with multiple iterations - for instance - is a long process.For faster deadlines, see Rush Order section in the Prices Tab.Privacy Level: Public (default)
The artist reserves the right to use and publish the commission and work in progress on their social media, streaming platforms, banners, websites and portfolio unless negotiated otherwise.License: Personal (default)
The client has the right to use the commission for their personal usage, this includes but not limited to print for personal display, wallpaper, posted as profile icons on websites/social medias as long as they give proper credits to the artist. The artist retains the commercial use licenses of the work unless negotiated otherwise.
Commercial use licenses
The owner of commercial use licenses have the rights to use the commission as merchandise to sell, promote, distribute, produce and for any other commercial purposes as long as they don't involve modifying the product or impacting negatively the artist.If you want to re-sell artworks or use them as assets within any sort of application, contact me for a custom negotiation.Credits
The owner of commercial use is still required to give proper credits to the artist while using or exposing the work.License Options
The commercial licensing options are listed in the table below.
> Additional fees do stack by sum, not by multiplying - they are applied to the base price always. E.g.:
A1 + B = Base + 50% + 100% = +150% = x 2.5
A1 + B = Base x 1.5 x 2 = x 3 = + 200%.
License | Description | Price Increase |
A1: Branding only | Promotional content linked to commercial projects: online shops, Youtube Twitch, influencer branding... | +50% |
A2: Indirect Merch | Merch where the art is not the main focus itself: book covers, commercial concept art, game assets... | +100% |
A3: Direct Merch | Merch where the art itself is the main focus: keychains, pillow covers, t-shirts... | +200% |
B: Privacy | Private commission: the work remains secret until agreed date. | +100% |
Please review my prices before sending a request.Replies may take a few days.
See my Commission Board to check ongoing commissions and past orders.
Public commissions may be streamed at my Twitch channel or showcased at my Youtube channel.
I may decline any commission request for any reason.
🟢 Common themes | 🔶 Maybe | ❌ Unlikely to accept |
Girls | Pin-ups | Extreme hyper realism |
Magic / Fantasy | Anime | Caricatures |
Nature | Mecha (Robots) | Gore |
Buildings | Soft NSFW (non-explicit) | NSFW |
Fanart | Furry | Animal anatomy |